Case Studies
Continuing Healthcare: Dorset & Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council
The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting declaration of a level 4 national incident led to CHC assessment...
Case Studies
Isle of Wight Council – Section 117 Reviews
S117 places an enforceable duty on both Health (Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG...
Case Studies
Client improvement journey: North East Lincolnshire Council
North East Lincolnshire Children’s Services have experienced chall...
Case Studies
Staffordshire CCGs
The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme is aimed at making improvements to th...
Case Studies
Client improvement journey: West Sussex County Council
West Sussex County Council’s Children’s Services are determined to achieve systemic c...
What Is The Fair Cost Of Care?
The fair cost of care policy is a bold element of the reform package that offers an opportunity to s...
Neurodiversity in Business (NiB)
New initiative to help ensure greater workplace inclusion of the neurodivergent commun...
Attenti Roundtable : The Voice of Social Care in the ICS
The Impact of Covid 19 on the Future Delivery of Services
Recruitment and Workforce during Covid-19 (Adults) webinar
The second in the series of webinars with North East ADASS, Yorkshire and the Humber ADASS and the B...
How to prepare for the relaxation of lockdown
Debating the current challenges faced throughout lockdown and how to best prepare for the imminent l...
Care and Health, a step change to sustainability
Discussing current topics amongst its highly experienced panel of ASC Leaders. During this webinar t...
Support for care home providers webinar
The first in the series of webinars with North East ADASS, Yorkshire and the Humber ADASS and the Be...